Compagnie Financière
Linking Investors & Fund Managers

You are currently viewing the site published by Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur

Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur (SAS) is an investment company approved by the ACPR

ACPR (French Prudential Control Authority) No. 19873 B, February 2011
SAS (simplified joint-stock company) with capital of 1,573,500 euros.
Registered with the RCS Paris B 450 920 384
Registered office: 21 Boulevard Montmartre 75002 Paris

Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur cannot be held responsible for the various types of financial information contained in this site.
Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur also informs you that the content of this site has no contractual value, and reserves the right to amend or update it at any time without notice.

The content is for informational purposes only.
Despite the attention paid to this content, Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur cannot be held responsible for any error, omission, inaccuracy or incorrect information on this website.

As past performance does not guarantee future results, Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur cannot be held responsible for an investment or disinvestment decision taken on the basis of information contained on this website.
Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur cannot be held liable for any damage suffered by the user of this website.
Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur cannot also be held responsible for the use of any hypertext links that may appear on this website.
Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur receives remuneration from its promoter customers calculated on the amounts invested.

Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur does not either receive or send orders. It is up to the investor to place orders using their usual intermediary.

Website design: Les Zinc 
Hosted by: OVH
Portraits: Muriel Berthelot
Photos:   /


ACPR : Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution
61 rue Taitbout
75436 Paris Cedex 09

AMF : Autorité des Marchés Financiers
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 02

Compagnie Financière Jacques Cœur employee remuneration policy